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During Consistency Group initialization, the host application experiences a performance impact. What can be used to reduce the negative impact on performance?

A.    I/O throttling
B.    Detect bottlenecks
C.    FC diagnostics
D.    IP diagnostics

Answer: A

What should be used when more performance is needed than a single RPA can provide for asynchronous replication?

A.    Distributed Consistency Groups
B.    Journal Compression
C.    Fibre Channel connections
D.    Multi-Cluster copies

Answer: A

Which tool is used to enable a VNX splitter?

A.    Unisphere Service Manager
B.    Unisphere for RecoverPoint
C.    Deployment Manager
D.    NaviSecCLI

Answer: A

Which host command, run as the boxmgmt user, is available from the ‘Run Internal Command’ menu?

A.    ssh
B.    ls
C.    rm
D.    tracert

Answer: A

What is a named point-in-time copy of data marked by the system for recovery purposes within RecoverPoint?

A.    Bookmark
B.    Snapshot
C.    Image Access Point
D.    Journal

Answer: A

A customer is evaluating the deployment of RecoverPoint with their VNX array. They want to deploy the RPAs in virtual appliance form. They ask your opinion about using vRPA versus physical appliances. What should you advise them?

A.    They cannot mix physical and virtual RPAs within their RPA cluster.
B.    For performance reasons, they can mix vRPAs and physical RPAs in the remote RPA cluster.
C.    vRPAs cannot be used in a VNX environment.
D.    They can mix vRPA and physical RPAs in the same RPA cluster at all sites.

Answer: A

What is the maximum number of RPA clusters allowed in a RecoverPoint/SE configuration?

A.    1
B.    2
C.    4
D.    5

Answer: B

A storage administrator has been tasked to demonstrate the image access capability of RecoverPoint. Which RecoverPoint option should they use?

A.    Test a Copy
B.    Fail Over
C.    Fail Back
D.    Recover Production

Answer: A

An organization is hosting storage protection solutions for multiple companies. This solution is accomplished by the hosting organization’s ability to consolidate data to a single VNX platform. How many RecoverPoint clusters can be used in this environment?

A.    6 clusters, assuming each LUN is attached to only one cluster at a time
B.    6 clusters, assuming only vRPAs are used
C.    8 clusters, assuming each LUN is replicated across the clusters
D.    8 clusters, assuming each LUN is attached to only one cluster at a time

Answer: A

Which RecoverPoint CLI command would you run to get the errors and warnings for one cluster or for the entire environment?

A.    get_system_status
B.    get_rpa_states
C.    get_groups
D.    get_clusters_topology

Answer: A


Which Ethernet interface on an RPA is used for management?

A.    eth0
B.    eth1
C.    eth2
D.    eth3

Answer: B

Which virtualization solution components are supported by RecoverPoint?

A.    Hyper-V, VMware vCenter monitoring, VMware SRM
B.    Hyper-V only
C.    VMware vCenter monitoring only
D.    VMware SRM only

Answer: A

For optimal performance when presenting gatekeepers for a VMAX splitter, how many FA ports should be used in each port group?

A.    4
B.    8
C.    12
D.    16

Answer: B

A customer has a four-node RecoverPoint cluster using a VNX array. All LUNs are replicating and failover has been tested. The customer would like to integrate RecoverPoint and Unisphere. However, they are unable to manage the cluster through Unisphere. What should the customer do to correct the issue?

A.    Convert to RecoverPoint/SE using Deployment Manager
B.    Reinstall the RecoverPoint splitter enabler on the VNX
C.    Rescan the VNX splitters in the management application
D.    Reinstall the RecoverPoint/SE license file

Answer: A

Which RecoverPoint tool is used for system conversions?

A.    Deployment Manager
B.    Unisphere for RecoverPoint
C.    SolVe Desktop
D.    BCSD Sizing

Answer: A

Through what does RecoverPoint support heterogeneous storage environments?

B.    Any array-based splitter
C.    APIs
D.    VMAX splitter only

Answer: A

You are a storage administrator tasked with creating a Consistency Group in a RecoverPoint/EX system. You launch the Protect Volumes wizard in Unisphere and notice that the desired production volume is not available. What would be a possible cause?

A.    The volumes are not masked to the RPAs.
B.    The volumes are masked to a host.
C.    The journal volumes are on a non-licensed array.
D.    Consistency Groups can only be created by boxmgmt.

Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit. A storage administrator wants to protect their distributed VPLEX volumes using RecoverPoint and the VPLEX splitter. The admin asks if there are special considerations they must be aware of. What should you tell the admin?

A.    The VPLEX Consistency Group that is protected by RecoverPoint must have its site preference set to Site.
B.    B. RecoverPoint does not support replication of distributed VPLEX devices.
C.    Only VPLEX devices at Site B can be replicated using RecoverPoint.
D.    All VPLEX devices at both sites can be protected using RecoverPoint, regardless of whether they are local or distributed.

Answer: A

The VSI RecoverPoint Management plug-in can protect datastores accessed by the ESXi host using which protocols?

A.    Fibre Channel, FCoE, and iSCSI
B.    Fibre Channel, FCoE, and NFS
C.    FCoE, iSCSI, and CIFS
D.    FCoE, iSCSI, and NFS

Answer: A

During a failover event, you have determined that the last bookmark had corrupted data. What is the fastest way to find the last good replica?

A.    Fail back to the primary and create a new replica
B.    Complete the failover and restore the data from the local backup
C.    Create a new bookmark and use the Test a Copy wizard
D.    Move to the previous point in time

Answer: A


You are adding a new vRPA to a cluster using the Add New RPAs wizard in Deployment Manager. SAN diagnostics fail and you cannot add the RPA. Pings to the vRPA and VNX iSCSI ports are returned successfully. What is most likely the cause for this connection problem?

A.    CHAP authentication not correct
B.    vRPA iSCSI ports MTU set to a number lower than 9000
C.    Default gateway setting for RPA iSCSI ports not correct
D.    Wrong IP version set on vRPA iSCSI ports

Answer: A

What are the minimum RecoverPoint and VPLEX versions that support MetroPoint?

A.    RecoverPoint 4.1 and GeoSynchrony 5.4
B.    RecoverPoint 4.0 and GeoSynchrony 5.3
C.    RecoverPoint 4.1 and GeoSynchrony 5.3
D.    RecoverPoint 4.0 and GeoSynchrony 5.4

Answer: A

You have been tasked with installing licenses for your RecoverPoint/CL System. It consists of a single cluster with one VMAX and three VNX arrays. How many license files would you need to install for proper cluster operation?

A.    1
B.    2
C.    3
D.    4

Answer: A

A company with a DR site connected with a 2 Gbps FC link has three RPAs at each site. They are experiencing High Load events, although the FC link is not fully utilized. What would be the best solution to get the FC link utilization up as high as possible while mitigating those events?

A.    Use a Distributed Consistency Group
B.    Add one RPA to the Primary site
C.    Use the Consistency Group on both RPAs and add two RPAs to the secondary site
D.    Add one RPA to the DR site

Answer: A

A new RecoverPoint/SE environment has been installed with a single cluster. There are no limitations regarding journal sizes and you want to choose how frequently RecoverPoint can create point-in-time copies. What is the highest frequency available for point-in-time copies in this environment?

A.    One per I/O
B.    One per sec.
C.    One per 500 μsec.
D.    One per 500 msec.

Answer: A

RecoverPoint support has asked you to collect logs from your RecoverPoint system. After the log collection process is complete, which user account is used to access the log file for download?

A.    admin
B.    webdownload
C.    boxmgmt
D.    security-admin

Answer: A

What Installation Manager menu selections would you make to view the RPA PWWNs?

A.    3 – Diagnostics > 2 – SAN diagnostics > 2 – View RPA ports
B.    3 – Diagnostics > 1 – IP diagnostics > 2 – View IP details
C.    3 – Diagnostics > 2 – SAN diagnostics > 3 – View target LUNs
D.    3 – Diagnostics > 1 – IP diagnostics > 6 – System connectivity

Answer: A

You ran Collect System Information from an RPA. However, you forgot where you specified to save the logs on the FTP server. What is the recommended way to retrieve the logs?

A.    Use http:// <RPA mgmt IP> /info
B.    Re-run Collect System Information from the RPAs
C.    Re-run Collect System Information from the GUI
D.    Use ftp:// <RPA mgmt IP>

Answer: A

You are creating a Consistency Group with the Protect Volumes wizard in a RecoverPoint/EX environment. What LUNs are displayed in the list generated by the wizard?

A.    LUNs masked to the RPAs
B.    LUNs configured on the licensed array
C.    LUNs attached to the splitter
D.    LUNs masked to the production host

Answer: A

What collection period is automatically set when `Collect System Information’ is run from the `System Events’ pane?

A.    From 10 min. before to 10 min. after the selected event
B.    From 30 min. before to 30 min. after the selected event
C.    From 60 min. before to 60 min. after the selected event
D.    The previous 24 hours

Answer: A
